Checking My Credit Score
Dec 26, 2023 By Triston Martin

It will not lower your credit score negatively if you check it. But if a lender or credit card company does it, the possibility exists that it will. In any case, a "request for information" will be included on your credit report. It indicates that a credit check was performed on you, either by yourself or by a lender. (Your credit history is included in a document called a credit report. Your credit score is determined based on the information in your credit reports. So, why does checking my credit score lower it?

If you have previously asked for credit, you will likely see the names of lenders and card issuers mentioned on your credit report. Additionally, you could notice records from collection agency, lenders to whom you have yet to apply, and the day and time you checked credit.

When Would Checking My Credit Score Have A Negative Impact On It?

"Hard inquiries," usually referred to as "hard pulls," are the kind of questions that might result in a loss of points. These inquiries occur when someone checks your credit report to determine whether or not to provide you with credit (or extra credit). These sensitive questions should never be asked of you in secret or without your permission.

You can check any hard inquiries made on your credit report for free, updated weekly. You may check your credit reports for free at to discover whether anybody has seen them in the prior two years. At this time, consumers have access to such reports every week until the year 2023.

According to FICO, the inventor of the scoring systems that are the most frequently used, up to 5 points might cost on a hard inquiry on your credit score. A hard inquiry is expected to cost much more now that VantageScore, a credit rating algorithm that is becoming more popular, is in use.

In contrast, a "soft inquiry" or "soft pull" happens when a creditor examines your score to preapprove you for a loan or credit card. This might happen either by you or by the creditor. Your credit score will not be impacted in any way by a soft inquiry.

Therefore, your credit scores may take a major hit if you apply for many credit cards simultaneously or within a short period. Take the time to research the credit cards that will serve your financial needs the best before you start the application process. When doing so, bear in mind the eligibility restrictions. The hard inquiry will remain on your credit report for two years, but it will have less of an impact on your credit score once that time has passed.

Why Checking Your Credit Is Smart

You may get an early warning if anything is wrong by checking your credit ratings regularly. A significant shift in your score that you are unable to account for might be the first sign that your identity has been stolen or that there is an error in one of your credit reports.

Before applying for credit, it is a good idea to understand what the lender or credit card issuer would observe while analyzing your application. This will allow you to better prepare for the evaluation. If you are aware of your credit score, you can avoid unnecessarily lowering it by applying for items for which you will not be eligible. You will have the chance to improve your credit score if you know where you stand before you ask for credit, which is another benefit of knowing where you stand.

How To Check Your Credit Rating Without Having A Negative Impact On It

When you check your credit score, be sure to keep these things in mind:

  • There are various credit ratings, each of which often comes in several iterations. Make sure you are always using the same credit score and version of that score while you are monitoring your credit. Otherwise, you're contrasting apples with oranges, which is not a fair comparison. Models for determining credit scores assess the same items for the most part; however, they may weigh those things differently and utilize various scales.
  • You do not need to pay for credit monitoring or protection against identity theft to see your scores. You may acquire a free copy of your score through several different methods. They can come with a credit card, or you can acquire a free credit score that is updated weekly and sent to you electronically.

Checking your credit score regularly is essential for maintaining excellent credit hygiene in this day and age of widespread data breaches and identity theft.