A Brief Guide to a Few of the 10 Greatest Entrepreneurs
Oct 18, 2023 By Triston Martin


When an economic downturn occurs, job security becomes an important concern. However, some storied businesses were established by visionary business leaders who provided stable employment for generations of Americans and provided for their families. J. P. Morgan would be on this amazing list if not for his few very disastrous enterprises. The following is a list of the top ten greatest business people who have ever lived. Their firms have changed many sectors of the economy and provided opportunities for millions of people worldwide.

Steve Jobs

An American tycoon in the field of technology had the vision to create a business that would create game-changing goods for consumers everywhere. The Macintosh computer operating system is one example that established Apple's public face and is still highly regarded today. As a result of his investment in Pixar, Jobs is now Disney's single largest stakeholder. In 1986, Jobs founded Pixar after purchasing the computer graphics business of Lucasfilm, Ltd. Toy Story, created by Pixar, helped Steve Jobs amass a fortune. Due to his groundbreaking work with the iPod and iPhone, he is rightfully regarded as the most influential inventor of his time.

Muhammad Yunus

If you talk about those who have made a difference in the world through business, Muhammad Yunus's name is sure to come up. Yunus has published several books discussing his experiences in microfinance and social capitalism. Yunus established the Grameen Bank to help the poor obtain financial independence by providing microcredit loans. The bank, which Yunus founded in 1983, has generated a net income of more than $10 million since its inception.

Henry Ford

Many people developed the vehicle before Henry Ford. He was part of a team developing automobiles and wasn't even the top performer. Unfortunately, these rivals were selling their vehicles at prices that made owning a car unaffordable for all but the wealthy. Ford unlocked the power of mass production and got the average American on the road for the first time. The Ford Model T he created was the first car affordable to most Americans. Ford's workers and the average American would automatically think of Ford (F) when they were in the market for a car because of the company's progressive labour regulations and Ford's unrelenting pursuit of improving the quality, performance, and affordability of each model.

Walt Disney

During the 1920s, Walt Disney was on the cusp of establishing himself as a cultural colossus. He worked as a talented animator for an advertising firm before he started making his short animated films in a studio garage. In 1928, Disney released "Steamboat Willie," which included the debut of Mickey Mouse, a figure inspired by the mice who frequented Disney's office.

Bill Gates

The words "wealthy," "competitive," and "clever" frequently appear in lists of descriptors for Bill Gates. Of the three, Gates' competitive mentality has been instrumental in shaping his success. Gates fought and won the operating system (OS) and internet browser wars, and he put Microsoft's revenues from those battles away so that the company could continue to dominate.

Madam CJ Walker

This country's first black female self-made millionaire is Madam CJ Walker. She was so successful that she was once called the "most successful female entrepreneur in the world." CJ's expertise was in the cosmetics market, and she created hair and makeup items specifically for black women. People in the United States lost a lot of hair in the 1880s because they couldn't access modern conveniences like indoor plumbing, central heating, and electricity. CJ saw an opening, so she picked up some tips on hair care from her brother's barbers. As a result, she founded the successful "Madame C.J. Walker Manufacturing Company."

Sam Walton

In the business world, Sam Walton reigns supreme as the creator of retailing behemoth Walmart. On July 2, 1962, the first Walmart store opened in Arkansas. His main goal at Walmart was to boost sales of domestically produced goods. One of his goals was to help foreign countries undercut their homegrown competition by supplying them with goods created in the United States at prices far cheaper than domestic producers. Walton wanted to open Walmart stores in less populated areas, so residents could take advantage of the store's lower prices by shopping there instead of in larger cities. Walmart found success with this strategy, and the rest is history.


The the 10 greatest entrepreneurs usher in a new era of possibility for themselves and others and influence widespread shifts in attitudes and practices. Their legacy will go on for many years to come. The SUCCESS 50 includes some of the most successful business people in American history. They're the kind of self-made men and women who exemplify the diversity of the United States; their innovations helped pave the way for the settlement of the West, the rise of the Gilded Age, the rise of the American middle class, and the dawn of the Information Age.