Good Places To Look For Data on Investments
Jan 01, 2024 By Triston Martin

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)-registered assets are the most reliable option for overseas investors. This is because the SEC supervises the exchange trading of foreign stocks and other assets and requires international corporations to file relevant reports.

You may use the financial reports filed by foreign firms with the SEC, data from reliable analyst reports and the company's website to decide if an international investment is a good fit for your portfolio.

SEC Forms

All publicly listed U.S. corporations must file annual financial reports with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. If a foreign company wants to trade on a U.S. stock market, it must file yearly filings that mirror those made by domestic corporations. The SEC's EDGAR database is where companies' filings are kept.

Here, you may quickly locate data about any firm of your choosing. Several services, like and Edgar Online, provide warnings and other useful functions. Several reports have been submitted to the SEC. Here are some of the most typical:

10-K (Annual Report):

You may learn a lot about a company's fiscal year by reading its annual report. Financial statements and an explanation of the outcomes from management written in layperson's terms are included.

10-Q (Quarterly Report):

During the reporting period, a company's fiscal quarter is detailed. As part of the report, financial information and commentary from management are included.

8-K (Recent Occurrence)

All relevant current events are reported in the recent event report. Activities range from simple press releases to new collaborations.

Form 3-4-5 (Insider Trading):

If an insider at the firm makes a purchase or sale, you can find out about it in an insider trading report. This may suggest that the action is being taken outside of stock plans.

Websites For Businesses

The information available on a corporation's website might be extensive. Financial statements, yearly reports, news, and press releases are all general. Financial presentations are another type of company information that is made public.

Financial information on corporate websites makes them preferable to government sources. These studies are helpful if you're in the market for global data. SEC filings only cover so much ground, and these letters typically fill in the gaps for shareholders.

Accounts and Balance Sheets

The balance sheet is an example of a financial statement that provides an overview of a company's assets, liabilities, and equity. Expenses and income are detailed in the income statement. You may learn about a company's cash flow (operations, investment, asset sales, and debt) by looking at its statement of cash flows.

here are a variety of titles for this kind of declaration that might vary from nation to country. For example, while many nations have adopted international financial reporting standards, others may have their own.

Demonstrations by Businesses

Presentations given by businesses often provide helpful summaries of their operations in the past. Additionally, they may give quarterly or annual predictions. Investing presentations are frequently made available by firms in their investor relations sections of websites.

Analysts Opinions

Furthermore, the services of a securities analyst may prove valuable. Although sell-side analysts might be prejudiced, they provide helpful information in a centralized location. Especially if you're looking to invest worldwide, that simplifies the investigation process significantly.

Buy-side analysts are even more reliable than sell-side analysts. One caveat, though, is that their findings aren't as frequently shared. Websites like Morningstar and Yahoo Finance have analyst reports. The broker's website, newsletter, and mailings are also good resources.

Stock Investment Fees

Costs and Rewards

In the words of economists everywhere: "There is no free lunch." One way or another, all brokers must profit from their clientele. Every time you purchase or sell stocks, your broker will likely take a cut in the form of a fee.

There is a wide variety of trading costs, from $2 to $10 for each trade. The imposition of additional charges offsets the lack of trading commissions some brokers charge. Depending on your trading frequency, these costs might significantly impact the return on your portfolio and even wipe out your investment capital.

Pricing of Mutual Funds

Mutual funds are pools of money from several investors invested strategically across multiple markets by a team of experts. It's essential to be informed of the various costs associated with using their services. The management overhead ratio is one such metric (MER).

Investors in a mutual fund (or ETF) contribute to the fund's operating costs through the management expense ratio (MER). It is proportional to the value of the fund's holdings. Annually, the MER might be anywhere from 0% to 2%. Remember that a higher MER hurts the fund's performance as a whole.